Nelson Radon
Helping you make your home safer for your family
8712 N Wildlife Dr
Hopedale, Illinois 61747
Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 5:30
Call Today : (309) 241-8104
Hopedale, Illinois 61747
Call Today : (309) 241-8104
Hi, I’m Jim Nelson owner of Nelson Radon Reduction. I have been a small business owner for over 30 years providing solutions to problems. It is our goal to serve you by providing solutions, to reduce radiation in homes by using the most up to date radon mitigation technology. I provide radon mitigation services in Illinois including Peoria Illinois, Bloomington, Springfield, Galesburg, Canton, Macomb, Morton, Washington, Chillicothe, Pekin and all surrounding areas through out central Illinois.
We strive to install the highest quality of radon mitigation systems at a reasonable cost. In the planning of any radon mitigation system an understanding of the variables must be understood. These variables include cost of operation, the way a system looks, cost to the client, ease of repair, but the primary consideration is the effectiveness of reducing the radon levels below the target level. System design should provide for an effective sub-slab pressure differential, using specific target pressures, with a minimum cold weather difference of -.004 WC inches. This will accomplish the goal of protecting your health using a system that has long term sustainability and providing a low cost of operation. As smart house technology improves and becomes less costly, dynamic control systems can be included to improve the effectiveness and operation cost on Nelson Radon mitigation systems.
Schools and Commercial buildings present multiple challenges when designing and installing radon mitigation systems. Please visit our Schools and Commercial Buildings page for more details.
For additional information about radon visit the following links:
US EPA: http://epa.gov/iaq/schools/
IEMA Division of Nuclear Saftey: http://www.radon.illinois.gov/
Radon Controls: http://www.vapordynamics.com/uploads/1/4/7/3/14733700/